James is an established expert in the insurance and reinsurance field, well known for both detailed legal and strategic advice and effective problem solving. He has advised numerous major participants in the worldwide insurance and reinsurance markets on insurance and reinsurance claims, coverage questions and disputes, and handled claims and coverage disputes in court, in international arbitration proceedings, in appeal proceedings and through mediation and other ADR processes.

James also advises on the contractual terms and conditions of many varieties of insurance and reinsurance cover and has advised corporate buyers of insurance on contract terms and conditions.

Over the years, his work has entailed dealing with major international market-loss events and situations, such as the LMX spiral, major property claims arising from loss scenarios such as the 2011 Japanese tsunami, the 2011 New Zealand earthquakes, and the 2022 Australian floods. He has also dealt with the stream of exposures resulting from asbestos-related diseases and environmental pollution.

James’ work covers both property and liability coverage and he has dealt with complex insurance situations and exposures arising from significant, widely reported events affecting the financial markets, such as the collapse of Barings Bank, the collapse of WorldCom, film finance transactions, the buyback of stock option grants, and the Argentine economic crisis of 2002.

In addition, James has advised on a wide variety of insurance and reinsurance coverage and claims issues emerging from the Covid-19 pandemic, including business interruption and event cancellation losses.

He advises on the management of insurance and reinsurance portfolios in runoff and on issues relating to insurance/reinsurance company insolvency arrangements. He has advised on contingency planning concerning the UK’s exit from the European Union.

James also handles contractual disputes in other areas of commerce and has managed substantial High Court litigation, appeal proceedings, arbitration processes and various ADR procedures.