Immigration is one of the fastest-changing areas of law. Legislation is developing rapidly, and a breach of compliance with employment-related regulations can result in hefty civil penalties. In-depth expertise from an immigration solicitor is vital to ensure that businesses remain compliant and that individuals get the very best legal advice.

Our immigration law services

We advise on the full spectrum of UK immigration law, from corporate transactions, Sponsor Licences, Skilled Worker and Intra Company Transfer visa applications, to advising high-net-worth individuals with Investor, Innovator, Startup, Global Talent and personal visa applications such as Spouse visas. We also advise on Settlement and obtaining British citizenship.

Who do we advise?

Keystone’s team of top immigration lawyers act for a wide range of clients, including high-net-worth individuals and their families as well as those wishing to establish a business in the UK and home-grown startups looking to expand.

Why choose our immigration team?

We pride ourselves on building long-term relationships with our clients whilst finding the most efficient solution to our clients’ immigration needs. Our immigration law experts are highly experienced, having advised both employers and individuals for many years.

For further information or to discuss an immigration matter, please telephone 020 3319 3700 or click here to email us.

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